- Wasting time is wasting money.
- Well maybe, for commercial endeavors. Otherwise, wasting time is just that.
- Spend money to buy time.
- That works for personal and business 'work', from paying someone to clean your home to outsourcing your social media research so you have time for other things.
- Your time is worth money.
- Depends on what you do with that time doesn't it?
- Saving time is saving money.
- See #3 above.
- Saving money is saving time.
- If it is time spent in making money, sure.
- Spend time to make money.
- Yup, if what you're spending time on is income-worthy. Like polishing up your coding skills or 'networking' for consulting gigs or baking cookies.
- Money is time.
- The reverse of 'time is money' though hardly anyone says that. Maybe because of the perspective - if you're not hurrying up, you're losing money, but if you're spending money, you're what, losing time?
- If you don't have money, spend the time.
- Assuming people who don't have money, will at least have the time - why students wait in line for hot concert tickets, and the rich pay the students to wait in line for them.
- If you can't spare the time, spend the money.
- Again with the assumption that you're the kind of person who is more flush with cash than hours.
- Money can't buy you time.
- Sounds like a contradiction to #2 doesn't it? But this is about the time that you don't have at your control and is often controlled by nature, the time for stuff like healing.
Final thought: time is worth more than money. Especially in relationships, ask any counselor (or mom!). Spending time on the things you care about gives you experiences to savor, builds memories to cherish and long term happy feelings from both. Wouldn't you agree?
Equal Value?
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