Making it happen

I just read a post by Altucher on the #1 habit of people who get things done, aka, 'effective' people.  He refers to Stephen Covey's most popular '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' - the book he wants to beat - and zeroes in on the #1 habit: Be Proactive.

A few years ago, I happened to read Covey's book and it does have good stuff - but honestly, I can't remember much of it, though I'd probably recognize them if I heard the seven habits.  Or not.  A lot of these self-improvement books do tend to blur and sound the same, so I probably couldn't tell which were from that specific book.  But that's not a bad thing per se.  It is likely there are just the same few things that we can do to help ourselves, and it is the way they are presented that may resonate with each of us differently as individuals and get us to remember them, and, more importantly, do them.

I like Altucher's pick for the One Thing that rules them all.  No one would argue against being proactive, in fact, that is the only way to get anything done.  What is even more helpful is Altucher's exhortation to 'start today' - he's asking you to be proactive not procrastinate - and his neat little 'how-to' for chunking down your goals into 4 categories and listing what you can actually get a handle on right now makes it look like a no-brainer.

Of course, this is good advice for everyone, but particularly so for entrepreneurs, and he does give some examples of that.  Though I'm more likely to emotionally connect to 'The Tao of Steve Jobs', Altucher's post is a fun read and easy to practice.  Here it is: 'The #1 Most Effective Habit'!

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