Once an entrepreneur...

We've heard of serial entrepreneurs who keep founding one company after another.  It's in their DNA, they can't think of doing anything else and they are, mostly, successful at it, so it's all good.

Today's MercNews had a story on a tech entrepreneur who's starting a new company - get this - more than 40 years after the first one.  It is Sandra Kurtzig coming out of decade-long retirement to launch a new venture.

The story itself focuses on the dearth of women CEOs in tech even though Sandra was a pioneer so many decades ago.  And that is a point worth considering and addressing, and maybe I'll add my take on it another time.  But, what grabbed me is that Sandra, apparently living the good life in Hawai'i, had an idea and was ready and willing to give it up to take on the startup challenge again.  Of course, doing a startup is a lot easier for Sandra than for most of us - she's launching with over $10 million in funding from top VCs, light years away from my bootstrapping stories.  Still, the funding doesn't take away from her drive and enthusiasm to take on a brand new venture.  Somehow the entrepreneurial calling didn't fade away regardless of lifestyle or age (maybe there's something to this story that more than 30% of online entrepreneurs are over 50).

It is exciting to see a pioneering entrepreneur come back after so long to lead a new startup and it will be fascinating to see how she steers her company in a world that has changed so much since the last time she was at the helm.  Go Sandra!

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