Reminders for the new year

New Year's resolutions. I don't make them and haven't done so for ages. Resolutions seem like stuff you feel you have to do, not want to do, and typically you perceive them as something hard. When I look at the year ahead, I prefer to think of all the things I'd like to remember to be or do pretty much on a daily basis, channeling the inner entrepreneur who usually comes in loud and clear but can occasionally enter a no-coverage zone. Hence the reminders.

The other thing is that if you have twenty-five items to be tracked they are just a to-do list and not in the realm of attitudinal or behavioral nudges. Short, memorable and already a part of your 'way', some entrepreneurial reminders for the new year:
  • Keep the faith. You may need to do a course adjustment or two, but hold on to your passion and shake off any creeping doubts - you are an entrepreneur, and this is what you should be doing.
  • Stay focused. There might be stresses about funding and what investors may think, and whether you're missing something by not showing up as the next big thing on the blog lists, but those are not core to your mission. You know that the only thing that you should focus on is building a business that will delight your customers/users and staying afloat. Everything else will fall into place with that.
  • Pay attention to people. They are not just investors, engineers, marketers, or users. They are individuals and need attention.
  • Feel the joy. You're an entrepreneur because you love being one - don't forget to revel in it.
Hmmm, these look like they could work for most folks, not just entrepreneurs. All good. Universal truths work better.


1 comment:

Naomi from IttyBiz said...

The thing about resolutions is that they seem to take up so much resolve. It could be that I'm lazy, but I generally don't like to do things that require so much determination. Just doesn't feel natural. The advice I like is the "Pick a focus for the year" type. Yes, it's a great time for new beginnings, but you don't have to whip out a pad of foolscap and write for hours just to have a successful and prosperous new year.